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featured: moccasin shoes

Many of our shoes have a moccasin design. Certain shoes are made entirely of moccasin, and others have a moccasin toecap. But, what does this actually mean? And what’s the difference? Dr. Shoe tells you all about: moccasin shoes. 

Mocassin shoes

What is a mocassin?

Footwear with a moccasin method is made entirely of soft leather. With a moccasin, the leather continues all around the shoe, of which the bottom is attached to each other with a flat stitched seam. As a result, you won’t feel any annoying edges or seams on the side of your foot. These types of shoes are extra flexible and therefore feel like a slipper. One of the many reasons for Wolky to truly love this traditional way of making shoes. You’re guaranteed to walk with the very best comfort.

not waterproof

Moccasin shoes are not waterproof, they are ideal for walking, but not suitable for walking through wet grass fields or forests. This is because the shoes have very small holes due to the special upright stitching, through which droplets can seep. 

moccasin noses

Shoes with a moccasin toe are just as comfortable! 

Shoes with a moccasin nose

Shoes with a moccasin toe are just as comfortable! However, there is one big difference. The seam on top of the shoe is double stitched by hand. Please note: because of this there are tiny holes in the leather which doesn’t make the shoes completely waterproof. It’s possible that during heavy rain, moisture can enter through the stitching holes.

apply a shoe protector regularly

You should always spray your new shoes with an impregnation spray before you wear them. By doing so, you’ll protect them against moisture and dirt. After cleaning and taking caring of your shoes, you close your routine again with impregnation, do this at least every 2 weeks.

more mocassin noses

These Wolky shoes are super comfortable!

Dr. Shoe

Dr. Shoe – Wolky’s shoe expert – explains everything about mocassins and the moccasin shoes from the Wolky collection. Watch the video below. 

Transcript of the moccasin video

Hi everyone! Many of our shoes feature a mocassin design. That’s all very interesting – but what does it actually mean? And why is Wolky such a big fan of moccassins? Well, I’m going to explain using this semi-finished example. This is what we call a moccasin. On a mocassin, the leather wraps right the wat round the foot. On the underside, the leather is sown together with a flat seam. That means you don’t feel any uncomfortable edges or seams along the side of your foot. Wolky’s footbed is inserted for even more comfort. Another advantage is that the moccasin design makes the shoe extra flexible. So it feels as comfy as a slipper. There’s a difference between shoes made entirely in the mocassin style and shoes that only have a moccasin toe. The models in our popular Roll Moc line are a good example of this. Note that the seam on top is double-stitched by hand. As a result, there are tiny holes in the leather. So, if you wear them in heavy rain or when walking through wet grass, you might feel a little moisture coming through the stitching holes. Our top tip: spray well with a water repellent shoe spray every two weeks! Try one of our moccasin shoes for yourself, and believe me, you’ll never want anything else!

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