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taking care of combi leather

Make sure to maintain your combi leather properly. When the leather is well-maintained, it can last for years without a significant decline in quality. An important advantage of caring for combi leather is the durability of the product when properly maintained. Combi leather is a breathable material, which means that perspiration is quickly expelled, keeping your feet fresh. These are all benefits that you can enjoy for a long time, provided that you take good care of your shoes.

Wolkyshop and Collonil collaborate to provide you with the best shoe advice. The advice consists of three parts: protecting your shoes, caring for your shoes, and cleaning your shoes.


To protect your combi leather shoes from moisture and dirt, we recommend using the Wolky All Protect spray. This spray provides protection for your shoes, making them easy to clean. You can also use Carbon Wax spray. The significant advantage of this spray is that it offers maximum protection to your shoes while nourishing the leather at the same time.

TIP: Follow the 30x30x30 rule for shoe protection. Spray for 30 seconds at a distance of thirty centimeters, repeating every 30 days. This way, you keep your shoes in optimal protection.


Similar to your own skin, combi leather also needs nourishment. By taking care of your shoes with the right products, you ensure that your shoes remain in optimal condition.

To care for combi leather, we recommend using multiple applicators. Using a sponge on nubuck variants can yield incorrect results, as there is a risk of transferring the dark part onto the light part. For a black color, we recommend the Nubuck + Textile bottle in black. For a light color, opt for the colorless Nubuck + Textile bottle. If you prefer using only one product, choose the colorless Nubuck + Textile bottle and use it to care for the toe area only.


In addition to protecting and caring for combi leather shoes, it's also essential to clean your shoes occasionally. Cleaning removes dirt from the pores of the leather, allowing the material to better absorb nourishment. The first step in cleaning is dry cleaning. Use a soft brush and gently brush over the shoes until the dirt is removed. After dry cleaning, you can proceed with damp cleaning. For this, use Carbon Complete or a waterstop tube. Opt for the colorless option with the waterstop tube, as you can use it to clean all your combi leather shoes. Apply, let it dry briefly, and then buff the shoes for the best result. Use a damp cloth to clean the soles.

TIP: Do you have white soles? Clean them best with Sneaker White. In no time, the soles will be shining white again.

Need any advice?
Feel free to contact us. We're happy to help!


These shoes are of excellent quality! And do you want to keep them that way? Then we recommend that you use the following products.

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